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November newsletter 2022

Dear writers. I trust your works-in-progress have been coming along in recent weeks.

New FAWWA Committee

Firstly, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Helena Studdert and I am pleased to be elected as the new FAWWA president. I look forward to leading the organisation’s continued growth in the coming year, set in motion by outgoing president Karen Herbert and the former committee.

Thankyou to members who attended the October 16 AGM to vote for your new committee. I am pleased to announce the new FAWWA committee will be myself as president, Louise Allan as vice president, Karen Herbert as treasurer, and Susan Cullen as secretary. Ordinary committee members will be Peter Bibby, Emma Bladen, and Lynne De Peras.

It’s a strong team and I’m looking forward to the opportunities for writers our combined experience and skills will help FAWWA create in the coming year. It’s going to be busy and rewarding.

Sunday Sessions

I’m delighted to say the second Sunday Sessions at FAWWA was a big hit. Sold-out masterclasses presented by acclaimed Western Australian authors Dervla McTiernan, David Whish-Wilson, Donna Mazza and Holden Sheppard were fun and inspiring, and provided writers established and aspiring the opportunity to learn direct from talented authors. Congratulations to Louise Allan and all FAWWA volunteers who helped make our second Sunday Sessions a success. Can’t wait for the next one!

Image below right: Holden Sheppard (The Brink, 2022, and Invisible Boys, 2019) teaches a masterclass at October 23 Sunday Sessions at FAWWA.

New FAWWA Constitution now in place

I am pleased to announce that members at Sunday’s AGM voted in favour of the revised FAWWA constitution. The State Government had required FAWWA to update our previous constitution under the Associations Incorporation Act 2015 (WA). Last week, as required, we lodged our new constitution with the state government department which administers the Act. A copy of the Constitution will be posted on our website.

Poetry, prose and music at the Sunday Sundowner

The third monthly sundowner and open mic at Mattie Furphy House was well attended and lots of fun with attendees reading prose and poetry, plus live music from special guest Daniel Munoz Zamudio. Daniel is a Chilean guitarist, singer, lyricist and composer now living in Perth. He’s a graduate of the Berklee College of Music, Boston, USA. You can listen to some of Daniel’s music by clicking here.

Congratulations to Lynne De Peras whose performance piece was judged as Sunday’s winner by Patsy Millett. The next sundowner and open mic is Sunday, November 20 at 4pm. BYO drinks and a plate to share. RSVP to Lynne at

Congratulations to Kim Aikman

Please join me in congratulating Kim Aikman whose flash fiction Stained Soles was shortlisted in the Berry Writers Festival. Kim is a member of the 2021/23 Four Centres Emerging Writers Programme at FAWWA and we wish her every success in her writing endeavours.

Writing classes and groups at Mattie Furphy House in November

Are you looking for a group or class to join? Each month FAWWA runs regular classes and groups at Mattie Furphy House and online, with discounts for members.

Sunday mornings through November Campbell Jefferys will host the Perth Writers Salon.

Andrew Levett continues his Saturday classes. Louise Allan runs writing classes alternate Tuesday evenings. Karen Herbert convenes the monthly Sunday morning Book Length Project Group. The Indian Ocean Writers Group meets alternate Tuesday evenings, and the Out of the Asylum writers’ group offers classes in prose and poetry alternate Fridays. For more information please visit our website’s What’s On or Special Events pages.

Thankyou to former committee members

Please join me in thanking the FAWWA committee members who did not stand for re-election. In no particular order they were Cindy Solonec (Debesa, 2021), David Allan-Petale (Locust Summer, 2021), and Machiel van der Stelt. Each worked hard during their term of office to support and represent FAWWA, and gave generously of their time and expertise. Their dedication was very much appreciated. Thankyou.

I’d also like to thank outgoing president Karen Herbert who in two years gave much personal time and effort to FAWWA matters. She provided strong leadership and maintained her professionalism at all times.

Karen is well connected in WA writing circles and used her contacts and people skills to bring new and current authors to the organisation. She modernised FAWWA’s business practices and lifted its public profile. Karen created a welcoming atmosphere for new members, generously praised and promoted others, and we enjoyed her gluten free lemon cake! Karen will now serve as FAWWA treasurer, so we will continue to benefit from her experience in the coming year. Thankyou Karen.

Looking forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming classes or events.

Dr Helena Studdert

FAWWA President

Helena Studdert, centre, with from left Dervla McTiernan, Karen Herbert, Louise Allan and Emma Bladen at the October 2022 Sunday Sessions at FAWWA.

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