Tom Collins House at Allen Park, Swanbourne, after its move from Servetus Street.
The Fellowship of Australian Writers WA was founded in 1938 to support Western Australian writers, and promote the literature created by them.
Each month, we host writing groups, book launches, author talks and poetry readings, as well as engaging in collaborations with our fellow writer's centres. Our activities are based at two historic homes, Tom Collins House and Mattie Furphy House, which are side by side at the Swanbourne Heritage Precinct at Allen Park.
Literary Competitions
FAWWA runs two annual competitions of national literary standing: The Mattie Furphy Short Story Prize and the Tom Collins Poetry Prize.
The Bert Vickers Library of Western Australian works is also located at Tom Collins House (see panel at right).
We welcome writers of all ages to become a part of our supportive community. We are here for aspiring, emerging and established writers.
We also are closely involved with the Writers' Room at the Vancouver Arts Centre in Albany.
Community and Outreach
Writing is an art form that goes hand in hand with other Arts disciplines.
Theatre, music, visual arts, fine art and dance are all forms of storytelling. Behind every great play or movie is a script. With every great artwork is a message.
Throughout the year, our program seeks to recognise this link and share the benefits of cross-discipline interaction.
FAWWA is part of the larger Perth writers' centres community: WA Writers United (WAWU). We frequently collaborate and hold join events with our counterparts, and enjoy reciprocal membership recognition.
![Writers United3-04[21].jpg](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/4009cb_fa7b5b7d90d3434d812866d4d6b40355~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_464,h_449,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/Writers%20United3-04%5B21%5D.jpg)