Suzanne Ingelbrecht will host DIY Film Making in July.
Dear Members and Friends,
June has been a busy time at FAWWA with four new private hirers at Mattie Furphy House as well as the usual run of writing workshops and events. If you are looking for a space to hire for a special event such as a wedding anniversary or birthday please keep Mattie’s in mind. By hiring out our space we retain the ability to operate independent of other funding.
At last count seventeen writing related events were held at Mattie’s this month and we have plenty of Stuart Hadow Short Story Award entries to process! Remember that you still have time this weekend to polish up your submission and get it to us before the new deadline on July 1.
Friday@Furphy’s has taken on its winter character. We enjoyed a vibrant evening with Maddie Godfrey, Elizabeth Lewis and Carol Millner on June 12, complete with mulled wine and canapes. Put on your winter coat and come on down for this month’s session with Mel Hall who has just published her debut novel with Fremantle Press: ‘The Little Boat on Trusting Lane’.
This month we bring you a FAWWA special event for young writers:
DIY Filmmaking Workshop in the July School Holidays.
Aimed at young people aged 13 to 25, this series will be facilitated by Suzanne Ingelbrecht.
To run from 9am to 12noon on Tuesday July 6 and Wednesday July 7; and 9am to 12noon on Tuesday July 13 and Wednesday July 14.
A key focus will be storyboarding and script writing.
The course also covers shooting and production. Participants must bring their own i-phone.
$200 for the series. Twelve places available.
For inquiries and to book email: fellowshipaustralianwriterswa@gmail.com
For those interested in sourcing an editor, or editing advice you will see that we have added an information sheet to the website specifically for you. Go to ‘More’ and take a look.
Behind the scenes we are sad to farewell Yeeda Topham who is off on her long planned break and Northern adventure. Yeeda will be away until October and will be replaced by Leigh-Michel Hobbs who will contribute her fabulous accounting skills to the office team. We thank Yeeda for holding up the sky over the last five years and wish her all the best for her time away, and extend a warm welcome to Leigh-Michel.
Karen Whittle-Herbert
FAWWA President
FAWWA Events for July
Thursday 1st - Andrew Levett Creative Writing Workshop, MFH, 10 - 1pm
Friday 2nd - OOTA Poetry with Shey Marque, MFH, 10-12 noon
Friday 2nd - OOTA Prose with Carol Millner, MFH, 1-3pm
Tues 6th / Wed 7th - DIY Film Making, MFH, 9am - 12 noon
Tuesday 6th - Writing Time with Louise Allan, MFH, 6-8.30pm
Friday 9th - Friday@Furphy's with Melanie Hall, 5.30 for a 6pm start
Tues 13th / Wed 14th - DIY Film Making, MFH, 9am - 12 noon
Tuesday 13th - Write Night, MFH, 6-8pm
Friday 16th - OOTA Poetry with Kevin Gillam, MFH, 10-12 noon
Friday 16th - OOTA Prose with Carol Millner, MFH, 1-3pm
Sunday 18th - Book Length Project Group with Karen Whittle-Herbert, MFH, 10-12.30pm
Tuesday 20th - Writing Time with Louise Allan, MFH, 6-8.30pm
Thursday 22nd - Andrew Levett Creative Writing Workshop, MFH, 10 - 1pm
Tuesday 27th - Write Night, MFH, 6-8pm
Thursday 29th - Andrew Levett Creative Writing Workshop, MFH, 10-1pm
Friday 30th - OOTA Poetry with Kevin Gillam, MFH, 10-12 noon
Friday 30th - OOTA Prose with Carol Millner, MFH, 1-3pm
Stuart Hadow Short Story Competition Closing Now -
End Date July 1st
Last chance to get your entries in.
Open Theme, Maximum Length: 3000 words, up to 3 stories per author.
Entry Fee = $25 per story, Members $15 per story.
1st Prize = $1000 plus 2-week Residency at Mattie Furphy House, Swanbourne WA.
2nd Prize = $300
3rd Prize = $100
See the Website at www.fawwa.org/writing-competitions for Term and Condition and Entry
Membership Drive
The new financial year has arrived so FAWWA is calling for Membership renewals! Thank you to those who have renewed. It is great to have so many writers support our organisation so we can deliver an exciting program of events for you.
To renew membership, use the payment link on our Website for Paypal or Direct Debit. Cheques also accepted, payable to FAWWA.
Visit the website to download the membership form and/or pay online: https://www.fawwa.org/become-a-member
Other Writing Notices
Boot Camp - The Society of Women Writers WA
The Society is running two Writers Boot Camps at Citiplace Community Centre on
Saturday 17 July and Saturday 24 July 2021 from 12.30pm to 5pm.
Boot Camp 1 will cover Writing Tips and Techniques; Elements of Short Story; Poetry Short Forms; and Writing for Children.
Boot Camp 2 will cover Elements of Novel Writing; Script Writing; Articles and Memoirs; and Editing and Publishing.
For bookings, please email swwwabookingofficer@gmail.com or telephone 0429 116 395.
For information about the Society of Women Writers WA, visit: www.swwofwa.com.au
Friday @ Furphy's snap...
Thank you to Maddie Godfrey and Elizabeth Lewis, who joined us for some wonderful conversation, facilitated by Carol Millner, at the June Friday@Furphy's. Enjoy this great picture of the strong women sharing their wisdom.
