Dear writers,
We trust you’ve been productive with your writing in recent weeks and enjoying reaching your writing goals.
There are so many upcoming opportunities for writers in Western Australia. We highlight a selection below.
Do you have exciting news? Have you won a prize or been published?
Please email us at so we can share it.
Stuart and Hadow Short Story Prize deadline September 7
Do you need a cheeky extra week to finesse your entry for this year’s Stuart and Hadow Short Story Prize? You have it. We’ve extended our deadline to September 7. Please click here for details on how to enter. The prestigious national award which FAWWA has offered since 1977 comprises a first prize of $1,000. Good luck to all entrants.
Crime, Conversation and Canapes August 31
There are only a few tickets left to the Crime, Conversation and Canapes event on Thursday, August 31, from 6pm to 7.30 at Mattie Furphy House. Join stellar crime writers Holly Craig, Ali Lowe, Michael Trant and Polly Phillips as they discuss all things crime and thriller writing and record an Off The Page podcast episode. For details please click here.
FAWWA Emerging Writer wins Furphy Literary Award
Congratulations to Jen Rewell (right) whose short story Away To Me won first place in this year’s Furphy Literary Award’s open short story category. Jen is a graduate of FAWWA’s 2021 – 2023 Emerging Writers’ Program and her prize includes $15,000, publication in the winners’ anthology, and a writing residency at La Trobe University’s Shepparton campus. Read Jen’s short story by clicking here.
Sundowner on the third Sunday of September at Tom Collins House
FAWWA members and friends are warmly invited to the FAWWA Sundowner at Tom Collins House on Sunday, September 17, 4pm to 6pm. Read your prose and poems for fun or in the open mic competition. The sundowners are the third Sunday of every month. Please bring a plate and drinks to share, and a piece to read in the open mic. Congratulations to July’s winner, long time FAWWA member Glen Phillips for his piece Lovestorms. RSVP to Lynne on 0473 215 144 or email
Of all storms do you recall the unheralded rush
when love first swept you up? And then bent
your will as with tall trees in a gale; to claim
conquest in surges of unbidden blood? Setting
your whole face aflame until distracted from
dutiful labours, you suffer its gathering strength,
shards of lightning striking a vexatious heart.
How foolish is this storm that can sentence
to unbidden tears in its passing flood? Then
you turn away, angry with yourself, yet feel
a lift of spirit, a blaze of searing light
when seeing a posted envelope, sensing touch
on arm or hand from across a desk. Tempest
breaks again, thunder of inner warnings sent
by looming clouds can’t be ignored; yet now
in guilt’s shadows you embrace this storm.
Much later when exhalations of love
are slowed, there’s storm debris to clear
up. Like wrinkles in cloth that ironing
smooths away. Calming breath quietens
beating of the heart. So do we all come
this way to be tested by thunder? Blood is
our burden. And deliverance when storms pass.
Glen Phillips
July, 2023
Short stories with Bruce Russell at Mattie Furphy House September 7
Study Australian short story authors with Dr Bruce Russell who’ll teach at Mattie Furphy House on Thursday, September 7 10am to midday. Session presented by the Out Of The Asylum writers’ group. Cost per class: $25 for OOTA members; $30 for non-members. Payment is in cash at each class. For more information please click here.
Indian Ocean Write Night September 5 and 19
Join the crew from the Indian Ocean Writers’ Group every second Tuesday evening at Mattie Furphy House, 6pm to 8pm Writers of all genres in need of a little inspiration and the chance to write are invited to join in this relaxed and supportive environment with others. For details contact Marshall on or 0408 620 235.
Write with Kamille Roach
Acclaimed author Kamille Roach offers monthly classes at Mattie Furphy House. The classes are two-hour sessions in prose writing. For details please email Kamille on kamillejr@iCloud
Monthly book length project group September 17
Are you working on a book-length manuscript? The Book Length Project Group is convened by Carol Mills and meets the third Sunday of each month at Mattie Furphy House, 10am to 12pm. Writers of all genres and stages of development are welcome. Bookings are essential. To reserve your spot please visit Eventbrite by clicking here.
City of Vincent Local History Awards
Do you have a story to tell about the people or places within the City of Vincent? Written or photographic entries are invited for entry into the Local History Awards until September 29. All entries become part of the City of Vincent Local History Collection. Pictured left are the 2021 winners. For more information please click here.
Job Opportunity: Scribblers Program Lead
Form is an independent, not-for-profit organisation based in Claremont which runs the year-round Scribblers writing program. The program aims to promote children’s literacy, storytelling and creativity, and Form is seeking a lead organiser. For details please click here.
Submit poetry, short fiction and non fiction to Island Magazine
Island Magazine’s print edition invites poets to submit up to five pieces by September 12. Short stories and non-fiction submissions can be submitted until September 7. For details please click here.
FAWWA needs you!
FAWWA is a small, independent, non-profit writers’ association powered by volunteers. Would you have a few hours a week to assist with administrative duties including email correspondence and venue bookings? We would love to hear from you. The more, the merrier, and the more we can do to support Western Australian writers. For more information please email us at
Become a FAWWA member
Last but not least we urge you to take out a FAWWA membership. Members receive discounts to special events and classes, and your membership fees help FAWWA continue to offer opportunities to Western Australian writers at our beautiful historic cottages in Swanbourne. For details please click here.
Happy September,
The Committee
Fellowship of Australian Writers WA
Tom Collins House