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September Newsletter 2022


Updated: Sep 7, 2022

Dear writers,

I trust this September newsletter finds you busy getting ahead on your works-in-progress.

Spring Sunday Sessions October 23, 2022

FAWWA is excited to announce the names of the four high profile Western Australian authors who will offer masterclasses at the Spring Sunday Sessions at Mattie Furphy House. They are, in order of appearance on the day, Dervla McTiernan, David Whish-Wilson, Donna Mazza, and Holden Sheppard.

Tickets to be released on Eventbrite shortly with discounts for FAWWA and Four Centres members. Places are limited so be quick to ensure your chance to enjoy exclusive masterclasses with Western Australian authors of international renown. For details visit

Stuart and Hadow Short Story Competition

All at FAWWA are thrilled to congratulate the talented writers whose short stories made the 2022 Stuart and Hadow Short Story Competition shortlist. They are

Megan Anderson, Patrick Boxall, Rebecca Higgie, Jodie Kewley, and Emily Tsokos Purtill.

The shortlist was chosen by esteemed Western Australian author Josephine Taylor who said the standard of entries was very high this year. The winners will be announced Saturday, September 10 at 2pm. Please join us to celebrate. Tickets are free. Reserve yours now on Eventbrite.

Congratulations to Annie Wilson

In further exciting news, please join me in congratulating FAWWA member Annie Wilson whose manuscript Treehearts has made the City of Fremantle Hungerford Award longlist. Annie is also a FAWWA Committee member and part of the current Four Centres Emerging Writers Programme at FAWWA. We wish her every success.

FAWWA 2022 Annual General Meeting, Memberships, and Committee

Save the date for the FAWWA Annual General Meeting to be held 2pm Sunday, October 16 at Mattie Furphy House. Please note only financial members can vote at the AGM, and memberships for the 2021/2022 financial year expire September 30. So join us or renew your membership on Eventbrite by clicking here. Members are encouraged to nominate for committee positions. Nomination forms will be sent to members with the AGM papers. Please phone me if you are interested and want to discuss roles and responsibilities.

Writers-in-Residence at Mattie Furphy House

I am delighted to invite writers to apply for a residency at Mattie Furphy House. You may recall that Nedlands Council queried the legality of our writers-in-residence program late last year. The council has since advised us there are no impediments to continuing with the residencies, so please get in touch if you would like to join the long line of distinguished writers who’ve been a writer-in-residence at Mattie Furphy House.

Odyssey House Victoria Short Story Competition

Do you have a family secret? Writers of short stories may like to enter their work in the Odyssey House Victoria Short Story Competition, which closes October 28. Pieces on the theme of family secrets must be no longer than 1500 words and include a reference to drugs and/or alcohol. For details please click here.

The Port Stephens Literature Award 2022

Entries are invited for the Port Stephens Literature Award in New South Wales, co-ordinated by the Lions Club of Tilligerry Peninsula. The deadline is October 31 for stories of up to 2,000 words on any topic. Winners share in a total of $1100 prize money. For details email

Writing workshop with Helene Fisher

Writers experienced or experimenting are invited to attend a workshop at Mattie Furphy House on September 25 from 10am to 4.30pm. In this workshop Helene brings together her love of writing and the natural world. Cost is by contribution of $55 or $45. For details email Helene at

See you soon,

FAWWA President Karen Herbert

Karen Herbert, centre, pictured with

fellow authors Sally Scott (at left)

and David Allan-Petale at the Sunday Sessions at FAWWA in June.

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